الجمعة، 19 فبراير 2016

I/O Streams and Standard I/O Devices

I/O: sequence of bytes (stream of 

bytes) from source to destination

Bytes are usually characters, unless program requires other types of information

Stream: sequence of characters from 

source to destination

Input stream: sequence of characters 

from an input device to the computer

Output stream: sequence of 


from the computer to an output 


Use iostream header file to 

extract (receive) data from keyboard 

and send output to the screen

Contains definitions of two data 

istream - input stream

ostream - output stream

Has two variables:

cin - stands for common input

cout - stands for common output

To use cin and cout, the 

preprocessor directive  

#include <iostream> 

must be used

Variable declaration is 

similar to:

istream cin;

ostream cout;

Input stream variables: type 


Output stream variables

type ostream

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